Ascend Health

We are passionate about empowering people and the community

Ascend Health Online Enquiry

Please fill out the following enquiry form and we'll get back to you. Please note that the more information you enter will allow us to provide more information around waiting times and availability of our staff.

Increase your capacity with Ascend

Your support services are designed to address your unique goals. We want you to feel comfortable with your ongoing support needs, so we take the time to get to know you and your family. Regardless of the services you receive from Ascend Health, our goal is to make you feel comfortable in knowing that you're getting the best service possible.

Support Work

Therapy Assistance

Ascend Health Group Speech Therapy

Speech Therapy

Ascend Health Group Initial Assessment

Occupational Therapy



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© Ascend Health 2017 - NDIS registration number 4050028857