How Physiotherapy Can Help People with Disabilities Perform Daily Activities

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How Physiotherapy Can Help People with Disabilities Perform Daily Activities

Physiotherapy can enhance movement, function, and overall quality of life

Meet Trang, one of our amazing community physiotherapists at Ascend Health that is part of our Sydney team of therapists and support workers. Often what she sees when working in the community is that a lot of individuals living with a disability present with unique challenges in performing everyday tasks that many of us take for granted. From challenges with dressing and accessing the community for individuals with stroke, or difficulties with freezing of gait and accessing the bathroom for individuals with Parkinson’s disease, these activities can become formidable hurdles for individuals with disabilities. However, physiotherapy provides an opportunity to help, as it's a field dedicated to enhancing movement, function, and overall quality of life. In this article, we'll explore how physiotherapy serves as a vital support system for individuals with disabilities, enabling them to navigate daily activities with greater independence and confidence.

Physiotherapy and Dressing

For many people with disabilities, dressing oneself can be a daunting task due to a limited range of movement, muscle weakness, or coordination difficulties. Physiotherapists play a crucial role in addressing these challenges by employing a range of techniques and exercises tailored to each individual's needs. These may include specific strengthening exercises to address the weaknesses to be able to complete a task, or coordination exercises which involves practicing a part of the task and correcting any compensation movement to build towards the full movement. In addition, physiotherapy also offers guidance to maintaining muscle length and reduce the risk of stiffness or contractures by prescribing a home exercise program. By working closely with physiotherapists, individuals with disabilities can gain the skills and confidence needed to dress independently, fostering a sense of autonomy and self-esteem.

Accessing the Community and Physiotherapy

Navigating the outdoors can pose significant obstacles for individuals with disabilities, whether it's traversing uneven terrain or accessing public transportation. Physiotherapy offers a multifaceted approach to enhancing outdoor mobility, encompassing exercises to improve strength, balance, and coordination, as well as gait training to optimise walking patterns. Moreover, physiotherapists collaborate with members to develop personalised mobility strategies, which may involve the use of walking aids such as walking sticks, wheelchairs or walkers. Ascend Health provides community physiotherapy services which offer tailored services to assist members access a range of locations. This could include areas such as in their own backyard, local parks, shopping centres and other places in their community. Through targeted interventions and ongoing support, physiotherapy empowers individuals with disabilities to explore the world around them with greater freedom and independence, enabling participation in social activities, employment, and community engagement.

The argument for physiotherapy in the community

Community-based physiotherapy can often be more effective because it allows for the development of personalised strategies tailored to the unique needs and environments of each individual. By working directly in the homes and local settings of individuals, physiotherapists can observe and address specific challenges that may not be apparent in a clinical setting. This personalised approach ensures that exercises and interventions are directly relevant to the individual's daily life, enhancing their practicality and effectiveness. Additionally, community-based physiotherapy fosters a collaborative environment where physiotherapists can work closely with participants to adapt strategies in real-time, ensuring that they are both feasible and sustainable. This customised support helps individuals achieve greater independence and confidence in their daily activities, ultimately leading to improved overall quality of life.

Toileting and Independence with physiotherapy

Maintaining personal hygiene and toileting independence is essential for preserving dignity and self-esteem. However, for individuals with disabilities, these tasks can present significant challenges due to physical limitations or mobility impairments. Physiotherapy offers a comprehensive approach to address toileting difficulties, encompassing exercises to improve an individual’s ability to transfer and making equipment recommendations to support individuals with physical limitations. Additionally, community physiotherapists are able assess individuals in their own homes and adapt their toileting strategy based on their home environment. By empowering individuals with the skills and resources to manage toileting independently, physiotherapy fosters a sense of control and autonomy over one's own body, promoting overall well-being and quality of life.

Meet the Ascend Health physiotherapists

Trang Truong

Sydney, NSW

Trang is a passionate neurological physiotherapist and has experience with helping members experiencing neurological conditions. She has experience in the NDIS and has a strong interest with Stroke, Parkinson's Disease and Brain injury. She also has experience treating clients with other neurological conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis, Motor Neurone Disease, Spinal Cord Injury, Functional Neurological Disorder and Congenital neurological conditions. Trang is passionate about providing patient-centered care, ensuring the best possible outcomes for her clients and their families.

Eadaoin O'Reilly

Perth, WA

Eadaoin is an experienced physiotherapist originally from Ireland that has over 7 years experience in the field of adult and paediatric physiotherapy. She has a strong interest in making sports and physical activity more accessible, and enjoys promoting healthy living in individuals of all ages. Eadaoin also employs a range of treatment styles, including motor learning, gait retraining, hydrotherapy, and primitive reflex assessment and integration.

Physiotherapy offers specialised interventions and support to enhance mobility, function, and independence in daily activities. Whether it's dressing, toileting, or accessing the community, physiotherapists work tirelessly to empower individuals with the skills, resources, and confidence needed to navigate life's challenges with greater ease and autonomy. Through collaborative efforts and personalised care, physiotherapy transforms obstacles into opportunities, enabling individuals with disabilities to live life to the fullest and participate fully in their communities. Learn more by visiting our physiotherapy page.

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